Wednesday, April 22, 2009

End of a chapter

Pin drop
flip flop
inside the brain
play the game
relief like a white rabbit hare
rescued from a hunters gun
soldier on rabbit
turtle tails and little hairs
they will grow
like a flower with sun and water
love with language
growth even stronger
out of danger
night sky, shooting star, wishes cast
returned in a whisper
a gesture of compassion
learning multiple lessons
life is all in succession
spoke of the moment
gratitude for the reminder
i might long for other worlds and dreams
but today is today and tomorrow a world away

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


People are the same
no matter race, color, or creed
we may have different traditions
And views about this world
Wish we all could live in harmony
and see the beauty wherever it may be
But unfortunately lack of understanding
leads to desire to dominate and subjugate
a big fat swirled mystery is life
like a swirled ice cream cone
only sometimes we fit together
and sometimes we choose solely vanilla or chocolate
I like my cone in a rainbow of colors
swirled together through peace and love