I'm back. Hello blog. How have you been? Nice to see you. Right where I left you. Thanks for waiting for me.
Currently I am deep in the quest of contemplation. As I began to write this sentence the word understanding came up, yet I like the word contemplation because that is all we really can do. To think that I can actually understand something of this complex universe is probably a bit perverse. But I can contemplate as long as I am here. That's probably only the I that is the ego that will contemplate. Okay that's about enough of my ranting, I can tell that I haven't written anything in awhile because my words are not flowing as freely as with practice. Practice always brings a feeling of ease.
One of the books that I was drawn to at the library is called "Holistic Anatomy" by Pip Waller and so far I am really enjoying the way that she expresses connection and the system we inhabit and call the body. I want to share a quote from the book about how we are all connected in essence because we are all made of organism's that formed with a reliance upon other organisms for survival.
She writes, "In the morning, an alarm clock made in a factory across the sea wakes me. I get up and dress in clothes made somewhere else. I eat food grown by people of many countries - packed, transported, and sold to me. Before I even leave the house in the morning I have been touched by thousands of other lives. Is is impossible for a human being to be separate. We are connected to each other and to all life, to the earth we live on, as intimately as our cells are part of us. Likewise, in creating this holistic anatomy, physiology, and pathology book, I am roaming through body, culture, society, Earth, politics, healing and spirituality."
I just want to note how interesting the last part is and why anatomy and what is going on in the body cannot be explained through only one lense. I am grateful for this art of contemplation and the mystery (and also perfection) of the human body.
2 weeks ago
What a great discovery! I loved that excerpt you shared. Would love to check this book out!
yay! i love you :) glad to see you blogging again...
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